Charged with a serious crime in Florida and need simple and straightforward information about your rights and the legal process? Browse our frequently updated blog for posts on these and other vital criminal defense topics.
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Potential Penalties for Sexual Battery With a Weapon in FloridaA Florida sex crimes defense attorney explains the penalties and prison sentences facing defendants arrested for sexual battery with a deadly weapon.
Charges That May Be Added to the Crime of Prostitution in FloridaLearn about crimes related to prostitution in Florida, including solicitation, sexual tourism & profiting from prostitution. Know your legal rights!
Defending Yourself Against Charges of Prostitution or Solicitation in FloridaFlorida sex crimes defense attorney explains the difference between prostitution and solicitation and the potential defenses for each offense. Read more!
Additional Charges Related to Domestic Violence in FloridaA Florida domestic violence defense attorney explains charges that may be added to the accusations against you and the potential penalties of each. Read more!
How Florida's Medical Marijuana Law Affects Your Drug Possession CaseCan you be arrested for possession if you’re legally carrying medical marijuana? A Florida criminal defense attorney explains contradictory drug laws.
Defending Yourself Against a Sexual Tourism Charge in FloridaIf you have been charged with sexual tourism, you need a Florida sex crime attorney to defend your rights and actions in court. Read blog for more Info!
Understanding a Charge of Resisting an Officer With ViolenceResisting an Officer With Violence is a serious crime in Florida, and you will need a defense lawyer who can prove your actions were justified. Read more!
Understanding the Difference Between Assault and Battery in FloridaWhile many people erroneously conflate the two terms, Florida treats assault and battery as two separate but equally serious crimes. Read blog for more!
Why You Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer If You're Charged With Third-Degree MurderIf you have been accused or charged with murder in the third degree, you could face up to 15 years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines. Read more!
Prescription by Fraud May Not Be the Only Criminal Charge You FacePrescription by fraud is a third-degree felony. Depending on the circumstances of your arrest, you could face additional felony charges.
What to Do If You’re Arrested for Boating Under the Influence ManslaughterFlorida charges BUI manslaughter as a felony offense that could carry massive fines and imprisonment of up to 30 years.
Minors and Felony Charges in FloridaWhen children are sent to adult court, they lose many privileges and risk an unremovable adult criminal record.